Building Success: Legos in the Library
Lamar Public Library is very excited to announce that the LEGO CLUB will meet on:
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Intended for ages: 2-13
Parents must accompany their child!
Lego Building, Stories, and Fun

What’s the connection between Legos and books, you ask?
Promoting play contributes to early literacy development by increasing attention span, memory, creativity, and language and vocabulary skills. It also lays the foundation for logical mathematical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving—things they’ll carry with them throughout their school years, says “Play = Learning,” a recent study by Dorothy Singer, a senior research scientist at Yale University’s Department of Psychology and Child Study Center

Play is one of the primary ways children learn about the world. General knowledge is an important literacy skill that helps children understand books and stories once they begin to read. LEGO literacy promotes play with the basics of language encouraging children to experiment, practice, create words, rhymes, learn new vocab, letters and construct meaning using LEGO bricks
• Offers physical and mechanical skills in a library setting
• Encourages play between parents and children.
• Encourages phonic awareness and vocabulary through play
• Promotes foundation, early, family literacy and numeracy and digital literacy skills in a non-threatening environment
• Promotes problem solving and learning though tactile and kinesthetic means.
• FUN!!
The Lego Club is scheduled to meet on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10:00 am.